Massachusetts Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators

Dr. Sandra McElroy
Dr. Sandra McElroy is a Professor of Education/Early Childhood and Chair of the Early Childhood: Education, Health and Leadership Program at Pine Manor College. Pine Manor College is a coeducational institution with one of the most diverse student bodies in the country. Dr. McElroy has served on the board for 10 years. She created Pine Manor College’s Early Childhood: Education, Health and Leadership major which strives to develop highly qualified Early Childhood Educators and has many years of teaching and supervising experience in both public and private Early Childhood Centers, PreK-12 schools, and in higher education. Dr. McElroy has been appointed to the Early Childhood Workforce Committee and the Early Childhood Advisory Committee. Dr. McElroy has presented at State, National, and International Conferences on such topics as Early Childhood curriculum and course development, achievement gap issues, advocacy, English language learners, children’s literature, and pedagogical approaches to teaching.
Jillayne Flanders
Treasurer and Vice President of Policy
Mrs. Flanders has recently retired from public education after a 37 year career as an elementary principal and teacher. She was principal of Hadley Elementary School (PK-6),Hadley MA for 12 years, overseeing the growth in enrollment from 200 to 400 and managing the move to a new school in 1996. Her last 15 years was in South Hadley MA, as principal of Plains School, serving 350 PK, K and Grade 1 children. During these years, she became a passionate advocate for Early Childhood Education, serving on the Policy Committee of Strategies for Children/Early Education for All, and was appointed to the Advisory Committee of the MA Department of Early Education and Care as its elementary principal representative.

Sarah Frenette
Sarah Frenette is an early childhood educator and a teacher educator. She serves as the Director of Early Childhood and Elementary Undergraduate Teacher Education at Mount Holyoke College, and is the Coordinator of Teacher Licensure for Five Colleges, Inc. Sarah is passionate about her work with beginning teachers and sees this work as an integral component of social justice. Sarah teaches undergraduate and graduate courses at Mount Holyoke College that focus on literacy development and instruction, special education and inclusion, social studies methods and curriculum design, and reflective practice. She learns something new about teaching and learning, and about herself each day.
Joy Dangora Erickson
Joy Dangora Erickson is an assistant professor of early childhood education at Endicott College in Beverly. She is a former elementary generalist, reading specialist, and literacy coach. Joy's research and scholarship focuses on early reading motivation and early education for citizenship. She is currently serving a two-year term as president of the North Eastern Philosophy of Education Society.

Davida Bloom
Davida Bloom has been an Early Childhood Educator and Teacher trainer for over 25 years. Davida has an extensive background as a Director, child advocate, and teacher trainer. She has served as the Director of the YMCA program in West Roxbury, MA, also the Program Coordinator/Toddler Coordinator at the Diane K Trust Center-Brookline, MA and the Child Care Director at the Old Colony YMCA-Brockton, MA. Davida Bloom is currently the Director of the Ann Pappajohn Vassiliou Child Study Center at Pine Manor College, supporting, children, faculty and instructing and supervising future Early Childhood teachers. She is an advocate for high-quality early childhood teacher training. Davida works closely with college students pursuing a career in early childhood.